Bitcoin City – The Beginning of the new Macro Political Landscape

Video: Podcast (Audio only): Article: If you have read my articles before you’d know I am a very big fan of the sovereign individual, a book that I never get tired of recommending. This interesting work of art was written in 1997, yet it has been remarkably successful in both analyzing the trends in society … More Bitcoin City – The Beginning of the new Macro Political Landscape

On the Intentional Re-Definition of Words – And their Dangers

There are things I don’t enjoy writing about, things that I wish were not true. Yet as easy as it is for most people to simply ignore what it’s inconvenient, it is impossible for me to look away. The world is behaving in an alarmly irrational way, one that seems escalating day by day. Today … More On the Intentional Re-Definition of Words – And their Dangers

D.A.O’s – What are they? and Why are they so important?

[The content of this article are also available in VIDEO and PODCAST form] In my last article I mentioned in passing the existence of DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations), I think it is worth exploring this subject as I believe it is a blueprint of how the society of the future might look like. At its … More D.A.O’s – What are they? and Why are they so important?

The Death of Big Tech – And the Dawn of the new Age

[Explore the contents of this article further in VIDEO and PODCAST format] In my last article I spoke about my thoughts on the state of the world, mainly that political power and governments are rapidly declining. Among the comments I received, one stood out to me. This person was pointing out that while what I … More The Death of Big Tech – And the Dawn of the new Age

Starve the Beast – How to Fight Back against the Dying State

[Explore more on this topic in VIDEO and PODCAST format] Looking at the world there seems to be a degree of chaos and uncertainty that I’ve never experienced before in my life. I’ve said in previous articles that we are living in a transition period, the way things used to work, no longer do. Our … More Starve the Beast – How to Fight Back against the Dying State

Who controls the state? – And… how long can it last?

[The topics of this article are also been explored in VIDEO and PODCAST] As soon as you ask this question you open the door for a bunch of conspiracy theories with varying degrees of attachment to reality. I am not going to delve into any of them in this article. I only want to invite … More Who controls the state? – And… how long can it last?

The Fall of Cities

After the fall of Rome a period commonly referred as “The Dark ages” emerged, during this period the big cities fell and the population decentralised into small tribes again. I believe by studying this process we might have a greater understanding of what we are living today. Of course, like Mark Twain once said, history … More The Fall of Cities