Bitcoin City – The Beginning of the new Macro Political Landscape

Video: Podcast (Audio only): Article: If you have read my articles before you’d know I am a very big fan of the sovereign individual, a book that I never get tired of recommending. This interesting work of art was written in 1997, yet it has been remarkably successful in both analyzing the trends in society … More Bitcoin City – The Beginning of the new Macro Political Landscape

The Death of Big Tech – And the Dawn of the new Age

[Explore the contents of this article further in VIDEO and PODCAST format] In my last article I spoke about my thoughts on the state of the world, mainly that political power and governments are rapidly declining. Among the comments I received, one stood out to me. This person was pointing out that while what I … More The Death of Big Tech – And the Dawn of the new Age

Starve the Beast – How to Fight Back against the Dying State

[Explore more on this topic in VIDEO and PODCAST format] Looking at the world there seems to be a degree of chaos and uncertainty that I’ve never experienced before in my life. I’ve said in previous articles that we are living in a transition period, the way things used to work, no longer do. Our … More Starve the Beast – How to Fight Back against the Dying State

Starting the inflation/Bitcoin Conversation with a Loved one.

[You can explore the contents of this article further in PODCAST and VIDEO format] Today I started showing my girlfriend what is happening in the world from a macroeconomic view, and how Bitcoin enters the scene. In doing this I was only looking to make her aware of the situation we are facing as a … More Starting the inflation/Bitcoin Conversation with a Loved one.

The New Law of the Universe – Bitcoin’s Greatest Asset.

[The contents of this article are also available in VIDEO and PODCAST format] I’ve been speaking a lot to my friends, many of whom hold bitcoin and other crypto assets. I get the sense that there is some information missing from the everyday individual who participates in the markets. I often hear them say something … More The New Law of the Universe – Bitcoin’s Greatest Asset.